Exceptional Children : An Introduction to Special Education (9780135160428)

KEY BENEFIT Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education focuses on 15 experienced teachers to give readers first-person insight into this diverse field. It also details, step-by-step, how special educators use highly effective, research-based practices to promote student achievement in their classrooms. The Eleventh Edition includes new information that reflects the current professional practices, trends, and research that define the exciting and ever-evolving field of special education. KEY TOPICS The Purpose and Promise of Special Education; Planning and Providing Special Education Services; Collaborating with Parents and Families in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Society; Intellectual Disabilities; Learning Disabilities; Emotional or Behavioral Disorders; Autism Spectrum Disorders; Communication Disorders; Deafness and Hearing Loss; Blindness and Low Vision; Physical Disabilities, Health Impairments, and ADHD; Low-Incidence Disabilities: Severe/Multiple Disabilities, Deaf-Blindness, and Traumatic Brain Injury; Giftedness and Talent; Early Childhood Special Education; Transitioning to Adulthood MARKET The book is designed for pre service teacher candidates studying to work with students and individuals with exceptionalities.

Product details

  • Paperback | 640 pages
  • 216 x 272 x 22mm | 1,139g
  • Pearson
  • United States
  • English
  • 11th edition
  • 0135160421
  • 9780135160428
  • 1,620,712

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